Calendly vs. Acuity - Which Online Scheduler is Better?
Cost $8-12 per month
Integrates with Zoom meetings
Integrates with GoToMeeting
2-way sync with Google Calendar
Has buffer time option
Confirmation page is customizable and can contain links
Easy to create forms to collect contact info for person booking
Is a Black-owned business
Integrates with Paypal to collect payment when people book a meeting (pro version)
Text and email confirmations (pro version)
Only integrates with Squarespace sites at the Business Level or above
User interface is not as intuitive or feature-rich as Acuity
Integrates seamlessly with Squarespace websites
Integrates with Zoom meetings
2-way sync with Google Calendar
User interface easy to navigate
Integrates with MailChimp so people who schedule appointments can be automatically added to your mailing list
Option to ‘look busy’ by making a certain percentage of appointments unavailable
Client list is easy to find to schedule another appointment
Easy to customize appearance with your logo
Can offer bundles and coupons
No buffer time option (so someone might end up booking you right before or after another meeting, which does not allow for travel time or preparation)
Costs $15 per month
So, in conclusion - Calendly and Acuity are both great tools for online scheduling. Personally, the buffer time feature on Calendly is a huge selling point since I do meetings in person and online. I need to make sure that I can get to the meeting on time. If it weren’t for that and the cheaper price point I would go with Acuity. The User Experience of Acuity is much more pleasant and the integration with Squarespace is handy.
I hope this helps you streamline your workflow and eliminate some busywork!